The system
Huliot’s PP-HT is high quality, cost-effective non-pressure wastewater and drainage piping system made of Polypropylene (PP) available in diameters from 32 mm to 160mm, comply all requirements according to EN 1451-1, suitable for above & below ground installation inside the building structure.

The system fittings made PP-C, sealed with SBR-NR seals.
All pipes are tripled layered provide highest mechanical performances, S16 according EN-1451-1;
- External Grey PP layer that provide high impact strength.
- Intermediate PP compound layer provide the pipe stiffness.
- Internal low-friction white PP layer providing the best flow performance, high resistance to chemical agents and high-definition contrast for visual monitoring.
The Huliot’s PP-HT system advantages
- High temperature resistance; 95°c for long term and 98°c for short term.
- Improved fire behavior classified, available both I classification B1 or B2 according to DIN 4102.
- Light weight, easy handling and installing Push-fit, ring seal, connecting method.
- The best resistance to corrosive materials and last longer than other plastics and cast iron. Durable for more than 100 years according raw materials manufacturers and more than 50 years according to standards cycle test results.
- Environmental – the most neutral material with the smallest carbon footprint and without health risks during the materials and products production process, 100% recyclable.
- Negligible linear expansion in any terms and no needs for special fittings.
- Wide range of special fittings for verity solutions and applications e.g.:

e Catalog
For the Huliot P-HT program with detailed technical specifications and logistic data for each assortment refer to the PP-HT section in the e-Catalog
Technical data
All materials comply with RoHS directive and are Halogen and Cadmium free:
Triple layer pipe

Fittings made from grey, RAL 7037 PP-C (Polypropylene Co-polimer).
Method of connection:
All products are connected by means of push-fit insertion, with single-lip high quality seals made of SBR-NR, for guaranteed sealing and leak-proof performance.

Pipe markings
On each pipe, the following details will be clearly printed at least once every meter, with indelible ink: Producer – HULIOT, system type, dimensions, materials, stiffness level, date of manufacture and Standards Institute symbols.

Fittings markings
Every fitting will marked with all required information as follows: Producer – HULIOT, system type, dimensions, materials, stiffness level, number of the applicable standard and category of application, date of manufacture and Standards Institute symbols.

Temperature performance
- Hot water resistance:
- 95°C for long term (3000 hours/50 years = 10 min/day).
- 60°C for permanent load (90,000 hours/50 years = 5 hours/day).
Chemical resistance
System materials are resistant to aggressive discharge media in the range of pH 2 to pH 12 according to DIN 8078. As listed in the chemical resistance list. Download PDF version of the chemical resistance list.
The list specifications used as a general guidance as to the chemical resistance of the material and cannot simply be applied to all applications. They shall not be used as a guidance to determine the possible effects on the reagent. Mechanical behavior can be impaired in cases where tension and the presence of chemicals occur simultaneously (tension-fracture corrosion).
Fire resistance
The HT system tested and certified by SKZ and MPA NRW institutes according to DIN 4102-1 classified B2 or B1.
Mechanical and thermal properties
All Huliot’s PP-HT system products are lightweight, making them easy to handle. Both the push-fit ring seal method and the Thread-lock™ with O-ring method install quickly and easily.
Transportation, storage and handling
In order to facilitate transport and storage, all the fittings are packed in cardboard boxes. Pipes are packed in bundles on pallets. Further details concerning packaging dimensions, quantities, weight and other logistic information given in the e-catalog.
Pipes and fittings must not be transported unpacked (in bulk) along with other construction materials to prevent damage during transportation. The pipes must be transported in a horizontal position and must be protected against damage, never throw, drag or bend pipes and fittings when unloading them. Pipes should be stored horizontally on even surfaces and cardboard boxes will be stored in dry areas to protect their content.
Certificates & Approvals
Quality, Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety management. Quality Management according to ISO 9001-2008, Environmental Management according to ISO 14001:2004 and Occupational Health and Safety Management according to OHSAS 18001:2007 approved and certified by SII.

System approvals
- SKZ mark approval certification No. A624.

Huliot developed and produced unique accessories to complete the PP-HT system range and to provide solutions for most of the plumbing and planner’s requirements like Pre-fabricate fittings, additions and changings for the basic fitting range.